İstanbul'un Güzellikleri
İstanbul, Türkiye'nin en kalabalık ve en pahalı şehridir. Aynı zamanda ekonomi, eğitim ve sosyal yaşam bakımından en önemli şehridir. İstanbul, günümüzde 20 milyon nüfusa ulaşmıştır. Bazen hatta çoğu zaman, İstanbul'dan bıkmaktayız. Kalabalıktan, trafikten, çevre kirliliği vb.. İstanbul, aslında dünyada eşi benzeri bulunmayan tarihi ve doğal güzelliklere sahip bir şehirdir. İstanbul boğazının muhteşem manzarası bile, insanı kendisine hayran bırakmaya yetiyor. Bu güzellikler, biraz da olsa İstanbul'u sevmeye yetiyor. Bir insan İstanbul'un boğazına bakıp da, İstanbul'u sevmemesi neredeyse imkansızdır. Ben İstanbullu olduğum için söylemiyorum. Bunu birçok yerli ve yabancı turist söylüyor. Şimdi İstanbul'un tarihi ve doğal güzelliklerine hep birlikte bakalım:
İstanbul Boğazı
Şüphesiz İstanbul Boğazı, İstanbul'un en güzel yerlerinden biridir. İstanbul'un boğaz manzarasının güzelliği, dünyanın hiçbir şehrinde yok. Buraya gelen turistlerin ilk hayran kaldığı yerdir, İstanbul Boğazı. Kız Kulesi'de İstanbul Boğazı'na güzellik katan en önemli unsurdur. Bunun yanında Çırağan Sarayı, Rumeli Hisarı ve Anadolu Hisarı, Boğazı süsleyen yalılar da, İstanbul Boğazı'nın eşsiz güzelliklerinden sadece birkaçıdır. İstanbul Boğazı, stratejik ve politik olarak da önemli bir yere sahiptir. İstanbul Boğazı, Asya ile Avrupa'yı birbirine bağlayan bir köprüdür. Bu da İstanbul Boğazı'nı dünyanın en önemli stratejik ve politik konumlarından biri yapıyor.
Benim İstanbul Boğazı'ndan sonra hayran kaldığım ikinci bir yerdir. Haliç Manzarası da, İstanbul'un güzelliklerine güzellik katan bir manzaradır. Haliç, doğal bir limandır. Haliç, birçok medeniyetin de kullandığı bir körfezdir. Burada İstanbul, ciddi bir ticaret geliri elde etmektedir. Haliç'in eşsiz güzelliği, her yıl birçok turisti İstanbul'a çekmektedir. Ben bir İstanbullu olarak, Haliç'e büyük hayranlık duyuyorum. Gece özellikle muhteşem manzarası, zaten insanı hayran bırakmaya yetiyor da artıyor bile. Burası, tarih kokan bir yerdir. Birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış bir şehirdir İstanbul. Bugün halen daha Haliç'te geçmiş medeniyetlere ait kalıntılar ortaya çıkarılmaktadır. Hem doğal hem de tarihi güzelliği ile farklı bir yerdir Haliç. İstanbul'a ziyaret amacıyla gelenlere görmelerini mutlaka tavsiye ettiğim bir yerdir. Mutlaka, bu Haliç'i görün derim.
Kız Kulesi
Kız Kulesi, İstanbul'un tarihi güzelliklerinden belki de birinci olanıdır. Çünkü Kız Kulesi, İstanbul'a farklı bir hava katarken, içerisindeki mimari tasarım ve tarih kokan içeriğiyle, insanları kendine hayran bırakan bir yerdir. Kız Kulesi'nin hikayesini ben şöyle duydum: "Zamanında bir kral, kızını ölümden korumak için Kız Kulesi'ni yaptırır ve kızını da burada yaşatmaya başlar. Ancak, kızına gelen hediyenin içinde yılan çıkar ve o kızı öldürür." Hikayeyi, tam olarak bilmiyorum. Sadece duyduklarım kadarıyla sizlere söylüyorum. Burası, hikayesini çok bilmesem de, bildiğim tek bir şey var sa, İstanbul'un güzelliğine farklı bir güzellik kattığıdır. Daha önce, buraya gitmem hiç nasip olmadı. Çünkü buradaki restoranlar, cep yakıyor. Burada yemek yemek istiyorsanız, en az 300 TL'yi gözden çıkarmanız gerekiyor. Ama inanın bu 300 TL, bu manzarayı görmek için az bile!
Ayasofya Müzesi
Eğer, İstanbul'a ziyarete gelip de Ayasofya Müzesi'ni görmeden dönerseniz, size İstanbul'a ziyarete gelmişsiniz demem. Çünkü Ayasofya Müzesi, mutlaka ziyaret edilmesi gereken eşsiz bir eser. Doğu Roma döneminde kilise olarak kullanılan Ayasofya Müzesi, 1453 İstanbul'un fethinden sonra, Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından camiye çevrildi. 1453'ten 1923'e kadar ibadete açık kalan Ayasofya Camii, Atatürk'ün talimatıyla, müzeye çevrildi. Ancak Ayasofya'yı bu kadar önemli yapan, hiç şüphesiz eşsiz mimarisidir. Ayasofya hakkında, sayısız belgeseller çekildi. Ayasofya kilise olarak ne zaman inşa edildi, buranın tasarısı nasıl yapıldı, halen daha merak konusu. İstanbul'a ziyarete gelirseniz, mutlaka Ayasofya'yı görün derim.
Sultan Ahmed Camii
Osmanlı padişahı, 1. Sultan Ahmed tarafından yaptırılan Sultan Ahmed Camii, eşsiz mimarisiyle ve huzurlu atmosferiyle insanı kendisine hayran bırakıyor. Sultan Ahmed Camii, yapıldığından bu yana binlerce turisti kendisine çekiyor. İstanbul'a ziyarete gelirseniz, mutlaka Sultan Ahmed Camii'ni de ziyaret edin derim. Zira buraya her yıl binlerce yerli ve yabancı turistler adeta akın ediyor. Sultan Ahmed Camii, İstanbul'un Sultan Ahmed meydanında yer alan tarihi güzelliklerin sadece bir tanesi! Daha önceki yazılarımda "Türkiye hakkında belgeseller nasıl yapılabilir" konusuna değinmiştim. Burası şüphesiz belgesel için eşsiz bir yer!
Topkapı Sarayı
Topkapı Sarayı, İstanbul'un fethinden sonra Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından yaptırılan bir saraydır. Topkapı Sarayı, Fatih Sultan Mehmet'ten 3. Selim'e kadar tüm padişahlara ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Topkapı Sarayı, günümüzde müze olarak kullanılmaktadır. Topkapı Sarayı'nda kutsal emanetler, Osmanlı padişahlarının kullandıkları kılıçlar, zırhlar yer almaktadır. Topkapı Sarayı Harem, Divan Odası, Has Oda(yani padişahların kaldığı oda) olarak kullanılmıştır. Topkapı Sarayı, her yıl binlerce turisti ülkemize çekmektedir. İstanbul'a ziyarete gidecekseniz, Topkapı Sarayı'nı da mutlaka görün derim! Ayrıca Topkapı Sarayı'ında öğrenci indirimi de uygulanmaktadır.
Yerebatan Sarnıcı
Istanbul is Turkey's most crowded and expensive city. At the same time, economy is the most important city in terms of education and social life. Today, Istanbul has reached 20 million people. Sometimes, even often, we are sick of Istanbul. It is crowded, from traffic, from environmental pollution, etc. Istanbul is a city with historical and natural beauty that does not exist in the world. Even the spectacular view of the Istanbul bosphorus is enough to impress the man himself. These beauties, if a little bit more to love Istanbul. It is almost impossible for a person to look at Istanbul's throat and not like Istanbul. I am not saying that I am Istanbul. It says many local and foreign tourists. Now let's look at all the historical and natural beauties of Istanbul:
No doubt, the Bosphorus is one of the most beautiful places in Istanbul. Istanbul's beautiful view of the Bosphorus does not exist in any city of the world. It is the first place the tourists who came here admired the Bosphorus. It is the most important element that adds beauty to the Bosphorus in the Maiden's Tower. Besides this, Çırağan Palace, Rumeli Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı are the only beauties of the Bosphorus that decorate the Bosphorus. The Bosphorus has an important place both strategically and politically. The Bosphorus is a bridge connecting Asia and Europe. This makes the Bosphorus one of the most important strategic and political positions in the world.
It is the second place I admire after the Istanbul Bosphorus. The Golden Horn View is a view that adds beauty to the beauty of Istanbul. The Golden Horn is a natural port. The Golden Horn is a gulf used by many civilizations. Here, Istanbul has a serious trade income. The unique beauty of the Golden Horn draws many tourists to Istanbul every year. As a Istanbul citizen, I have a great admiration for the Golden Horn. The magnificent view of the night is particularly spectacular, and is already growing enough to impress. This is a place that smells of history. Many civilizations have hosted Istanbul. Today, remains of the civilizations of the past have been unearthed in the Golden Horn. Haliç is a different place with its natural and historical beauty. It is a place that I definitely recommend to those who come to Istanbul for a visit. Absolutely, I see this Golden Horn.
Maiden's Tower
The Maiden's Tower is perhaps the first of Istanbul's historical beauties. Because the Kiz Kulesi is a place that admires people with its architectural design and history-rich content, while adding a different atmosphere to Istanbul. I heard the story of the Maiden's Tower: "At the time of a king, to protect her daughter from death, she has the Maiden's Tower, and she begins to live here, but a snake comes out of her gift to her daughter and kills her." I do not really know the story. I just tell you what I hear. This is one thing I know, although I do not know much about the story, it adds a different beauty to Istanbul's beauty. I never had to go here before. Because the restaurants over here are burning mobiles. If you want to eat here, you need to pay at least 300 TL. But believe this is 300 TL, even to see this scene!
Hagia Sophia Museum
If you come to Istanbul and see the Haghia Sophia Museum, you do not come to Istanbul. Because the Hagia Sophia Museum is a unique piece that must be visited. The Hagia Sophia Museum, which was used as a church during the Eastern Roman period, was surrounded by the Fatih Sultan Mehmet after the conquest of Istanbul in 1453. Hagia Sophia Mosque, which was open for worship from 1453 until 1923, was turned into a museum by Atatürk's instructions. However, it is undoubtedly unique architecture that makes Hagia Sophia so important. There were numerous documents about Hagia Sophia. When the Hagia Sophia was built as a church, how was the design of the place, it is still more curious. If you come to Istanbul, I definitely see Hagia Sophia.
Sultan Ahmed Mosque
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque, built by Sultan Ahmed the 1st Ottoman sultan, is admired by its unique architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Sultan Ahmed Mosque has attracted thousands of tourists since it was built. If you come to Istanbul, you should definitely visit the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. Because every year thousands of local and foreign tourists flock here. Sultan Ahmed Mosque is just one of the historical beauties located in Sultan Ahmed Square of Istanbul! In my previous writings, I have talked about "how to make documents about Turkey". This is undoubtedly a unique place for a documentary!
Topkapi palace
Topkapi Palace is a palace built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet after the conquest of Istanbul. The Topkapi Palace was home to all the sultans from Fatih Sultan Mehmet to 3rd Selim. Today Topkapı Palace is used as a museum. In Topkapi Palace, sacred relics, swords and armors used by the Ottoman sultans are located. Topkapi Palace Harem, Divan Room, Has Room (ie the room where the sultans stayed). Topkapi Palace attracts thousands of tourists every year to my country. If you are going to Istanbul, you will definitely see Topkapi Palace! Also student discount is applied at Topkapı Palace.
Yerebatan Cistern
One of Istanbul's magnificent historical constructions is the Basilica Cistern located on the south-west of Hagia Sophia. Built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Justinian (527-565), this large underground cistern was named as the "Yerebatan Palace" among the public due to the marble columns rising from the water and seen as countless. When there is a Basilica in the place where the cistern is located, it is also known as Basilica Cistern.
The cistern is a gigantic structure that covers a rectangular area of 140 meters in length and 70 meters in width. There are 336 columns, each 9 meters high, in this cistern, which is laid with a 52-step stone ladder. These columns, erected at intervals of 4.80 meters, bring 12 rows of columns, each containing 28 columns. The ceiling space of the cistern was transferred to the pillars via arches. It is understood that the majority of the columns are collected from the older structures and the majority of the marble columns are made up of one piece and the other two pieces. The titles of these columns, in places, have different properties. While 98 of them reflect Corint style, part of them reflect Dor style. The walls of the cistern, brick 4.80 meters thick, and the brick paved floor were plastered with a thick layer of Khorasan, making it waterproof. Covering a total area of 9.800 m2, this cistern has a water storage capacity of approximately 100.000 tons.
Source: Yerebatan Cistern -
This is one of the places that should definitely be seen by visitors coming to Istanbul.
Galata Tower
The story of the Tower of Galata, although not exactly known, admires the people with its magnificent architecture. The Galata Tower was used as a dungeon in the time of the Ottomans. This is the perfect place to watch Istanbul as a bird's eye view. Altitude is 69.90 meters. The Galata Tower, which was built in the year 520 after Milat, offers a panoramic view of Istanbul. The history of Galata Tower is as follows:
The Galata Tower is one of the oldest towers in the world and was built by the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius in 528 as the Fener Tower. [2] In the year 1204 IV. The tower, which was extensively destroyed by the Crusades, was later reconstructed by the Genoese in 1348 in addition to the walls of Galata, using stacked stones called "Jesus Tower". When it was rebuilt in 1348 it became the biggest building of the city. [3]
Galata tower was raised between 1445-1446. Almost every century has been renovated and repaired after the towers of the Turks have been captured. It was used as a shelter for the Christian war prisoners who worked in Kasımpaşa shipyards in the 16th century. Sultan III. At the permission of Murat an astronomical observatory was established here by the astrologer Takiyüddin, but this observatory was closed in 1579.
In the first half of the 17th century IV. During the Murat period, Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi flew to Üsküdar-Doğancılar from Galata Tower in 1638 by wearing eagle wings he built from the throne after carrying out flying exercises after watching the winds in Okmeydanı. This flight was met with interest in Europe and engravings were made in England showing this flight. [Citation needed] From 1717 the tower was used as a fire pagination tower. The fire was being played by playing a large drum to hear ahalin. III. A large part of the yoke was burned in a fire during the Selim period. The restored tower was damaged and repaired in another fire in 1831. In 1875, the cone was overturned in a storm. The latest repair, which was started in 1965 and finished in 1967, provided the appearance of today's owner.
Source: Wikipedia -
Today Galata Tower is also used as a restaurant. However, you need to pay at least 150 TL to eat here.
This is just a few of the historical and natural beauty that Istanbul has. Istanbul is a city famous for its legend and history. Istanbul has been home to many civilizations since the beginning of human history. At present there are still remnants of ancient civilizations. Even though it is difficult to live in Istanbul, these beauties make you forget these difficulties in a little while.
The purpose of sharing this article was to remind us that Istanbul is a very beautiful city and we should not know its value. With the natural and historical beauties of Istanbul and its strategic and political position, it is important to keep in mind how important it is.
From these people who read this writing, we share in your social network so that more people can read a few of the natural and historical beauties I share here.
Thank you for your interest.
Topkapı Sarayı, İstanbul'un fethinden sonra Fatih Sultan Mehmet tarafından yaptırılan bir saraydır. Topkapı Sarayı, Fatih Sultan Mehmet'ten 3. Selim'e kadar tüm padişahlara ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Topkapı Sarayı, günümüzde müze olarak kullanılmaktadır. Topkapı Sarayı'nda kutsal emanetler, Osmanlı padişahlarının kullandıkları kılıçlar, zırhlar yer almaktadır. Topkapı Sarayı Harem, Divan Odası, Has Oda(yani padişahların kaldığı oda) olarak kullanılmıştır. Topkapı Sarayı, her yıl binlerce turisti ülkemize çekmektedir. İstanbul'a ziyarete gidecekseniz, Topkapı Sarayı'nı da mutlaka görün derim! Ayrıca Topkapı Sarayı'ında öğrenci indirimi de uygulanmaktadır.
Yerebatan Sarnıcı
İstanbul'un görkemli tarihsel yapılarından birisi de Ayasofya’nın güneybatısında bulunan Bazilika Sarnıcı’dır. Bizans imparatoru I. Justinianus (527-565) tarafından yaptırılan bu büyük yeraltı sarnıcı, suyun içinden yükselen ve sayısız gibi görülen mermer sütunlar sebebiyle halk arasında “Yerebatan Sarayı” olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Sarnıcın bulunduğu yerde daha önce bir Bazilika bulunduğundan, Bazilika Sarnıcı olarak da anılır.
Sarnıç, uzunluğu 140 metre, genişliği 70 metre olan dikdörtgen biçiminde bir alanı kaplayan, dev bir yapıdır. 52 basamaklı taş bir merdivenle inilen bu sarnıcın içerisinde her biri 9 metre yüksekliğinde 336 sütun bulunmaktadır. Birbirine 4.80 metre aralıklarla dikilen bu sütunlar, her biri 28 sütun içeren 12 sıra meydana getirirler. Sarnıcın tavan aralığı kemerler vasıtasıyla sütunlara aktarılmıştır. Çoğunluğu daha eski yapılardan toplandığı anlaşılan ve çeşitli mermer cinslerinden yontulmuş sütunların büyük bir kısmı tek parçadan, bir kısmı da iki parçadan oluşmaktadır. Bu sütunların başlıkları, yer yer farklı özellikler taşır. Bunlardan 98 adedi Corint üslûbu yansıtırken bir bölümü de Dor üslûbunu yansıtmaktadır. Sarnıcın tuğladan örülmüş 4.80 metre kalınlığındaki duvarları ve tuğla döşeli zemini, Horasan harcından kalın bir tabakayla sıvanarak su geçmez hale getirilmiştir. Toplam 9.800 m2 alanı kaplayan bu sarnıç, yaklaşık 100.000 ton su depolama kapasitesine sahiptir.
Kaynak: Yerebatan Sarnıcı -
Burası da, İstanbul'a ziyarete gelenlerin mutlaka görmesi gereken yerlerden biridir.
Galata Kulesi
Galata Kulesi'inin hikayesi, tam olarak bilinmese de muhteşem mimarisiyle insanı kendisine hayran bırakır. Galata Kulesi, Osmanlılar zamanında zindan olarak kullanılmıştır. Burası, İstanbul'un kuş bakışı olarak seyredilmesi için mükemmel bir mekandır. Yüksekliği 69,90 metredir. Milattan sonra 520 yılında inşa edilmiş olan Galata Kulesi, İstanbul'u panaromik olarak izlemeye fırsat vermektedir. Galata Kulesi'inin tarihçesi şöyledir:
Galata Kulesi dünyanın en eski kulelerinden biri olup, Bizans İmparatoru Anastasius tarafından 528 yılında Fener Kulesi olarak inşa ettirilmiştir.[2] 1204 yılındaki IV. Haçlı Seferi'nde geniş çapta tahrip edilen kule, daha sonra 1348 yılında "İsa Kulesi" adıyla yığma taşlar kullanılarak Cenevizliler tarafından Galata surlarına ek olarak yeniden yapılmıştır. 1348 yılında yeniden yapıldığında kentin en büyük binası olmuştur.[3]
Galata kulesi 1445-1446 yılları arasında yükseltilmiştir. Kule Türklerin eline geçtikten sonra hemen her yüzyıl yenilenmiş ve tamir edilmiştir. 16. yüzyılda Kasımpaşa tersanelerinde çalıştırılan Hristiyan savaş esirlerinin barınağı olarak kullanılmıştır. Sultan III. Murat'ın müsaadesiyle burada müneccim Takiyüddin tarafından bir rasathane kurulmuş, ancak bu rasathane 1579'da kapatılmıştır.
17. yüzyılın ilk yarısında IV. Murat döneminde Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi, Okmeydanı'nda rüzgarları kollayıp uçuş talimleri yaptıktan sonra, tahtadan yaptırdığı kartal kanatlarını sırtına takarak 1638yılında Galata Kulesi'nden Üsküdar-Doğancılar'a uçmuştur. Bu uçuş Avrupa'da ilgi ile karşılanmış, İngiltere'de bu uçuşu gösteren gravürler yapılmıştır.[kaynak belirtilmeli]1717'den itibaren kule yangın gözleme kulesi olarak kullanılmıştır. Yangın, ahalinin duyabilmesi için büyük bir davul çalınarak haber verilmekteydi. III. Selim döneminde çıkan bir yangında kulenin büyük bölümü yanmıştır. Onarılan kule 1831 yılında başka bir yangında yine hasar görmüş ve onarılmıştır. 1875 yılında bir fırtınada külahı devrilmiştir. 1965'te başlanıp 1967'de bitirilen son onarımla da kulenin bugünkü görünümü sağlanmıştır.
Kaynak: Vikipedi -
Bugün Galata Kulesi, restoran olarak da kullanılmaktadır. Ancak burada yemek yiyebilmek için en az 150 TL'yi gözden çıkarmanız gerekmektedir.
İstanbul'un bu sahip olduğu tarihi ve doğal güzelliklerden sadece birkaçı. İstanbul, efsanelerle ve tarihiyle ünlü bir şehirdir. İstanbul, insanlık tarihinin başlangıcından itibaren birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Şu anda halen daha eski medeniyetlere ait kalıntılar bulunmaktadır. İstanbul'da yaşamak her ne kadar zor da olsa, bu güzellikleri birazda olsun bu zorlukları unutturuyor.
Bu yazıyı paylaşmamın amacı da, İstanbul'un aslında çok güzel bir şehir olduğunu, kıymetini bilmemiz gerektiğini hatırlatmak içindi. İstanbul'un doğal ve tarihi güzellikleri ile ve sahip olduğu stratejik ve politik konumu ile ne kadar önemli bir şehir olduğunu aklımızdan çıkarmamak lazımdır.
Bu yazımı okuyanlardan ricam, buradaki paylaştığım doğal ve tarihi güzelliklerin birkaçını daha fazla insanın okuyabilmesi için, sosyal ağınızda paylaşınız.
İlginiz için teşekkür ederim.
Kaan Akalın
English Version
No doubt, the Bosphorus is one of the most beautiful places in Istanbul. Istanbul's beautiful view of the Bosphorus does not exist in any city of the world. It is the first place the tourists who came here admired the Bosphorus. It is the most important element that adds beauty to the Bosphorus in the Maiden's Tower. Besides this, Çırağan Palace, Rumeli Hisarı and Anadolu Hisarı are the only beauties of the Bosphorus that decorate the Bosphorus. The Bosphorus has an important place both strategically and politically. The Bosphorus is a bridge connecting Asia and Europe. This makes the Bosphorus one of the most important strategic and political positions in the world.
It is the second place I admire after the Istanbul Bosphorus. The Golden Horn View is a view that adds beauty to the beauty of Istanbul. The Golden Horn is a natural port. The Golden Horn is a gulf used by many civilizations. Here, Istanbul has a serious trade income. The unique beauty of the Golden Horn draws many tourists to Istanbul every year. As a Istanbul citizen, I have a great admiration for the Golden Horn. The magnificent view of the night is particularly spectacular, and is already growing enough to impress. This is a place that smells of history. Many civilizations have hosted Istanbul. Today, remains of the civilizations of the past have been unearthed in the Golden Horn. Haliç is a different place with its natural and historical beauty. It is a place that I definitely recommend to those who come to Istanbul for a visit. Absolutely, I see this Golden Horn.
Maiden's Tower
The Maiden's Tower is perhaps the first of Istanbul's historical beauties. Because the Kiz Kulesi is a place that admires people with its architectural design and history-rich content, while adding a different atmosphere to Istanbul. I heard the story of the Maiden's Tower: "At the time of a king, to protect her daughter from death, she has the Maiden's Tower, and she begins to live here, but a snake comes out of her gift to her daughter and kills her." I do not really know the story. I just tell you what I hear. This is one thing I know, although I do not know much about the story, it adds a different beauty to Istanbul's beauty. I never had to go here before. Because the restaurants over here are burning mobiles. If you want to eat here, you need to pay at least 300 TL. But believe this is 300 TL, even to see this scene!
Hagia Sophia Museum
If you come to Istanbul and see the Haghia Sophia Museum, you do not come to Istanbul. Because the Hagia Sophia Museum is a unique piece that must be visited. The Hagia Sophia Museum, which was used as a church during the Eastern Roman period, was surrounded by the Fatih Sultan Mehmet after the conquest of Istanbul in 1453. Hagia Sophia Mosque, which was open for worship from 1453 until 1923, was turned into a museum by Atatürk's instructions. However, it is undoubtedly unique architecture that makes Hagia Sophia so important. There were numerous documents about Hagia Sophia. When the Hagia Sophia was built as a church, how was the design of the place, it is still more curious. If you come to Istanbul, I definitely see Hagia Sophia.
Sultan Ahmed Mosque
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque, built by Sultan Ahmed the 1st Ottoman sultan, is admired by its unique architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Sultan Ahmed Mosque has attracted thousands of tourists since it was built. If you come to Istanbul, you should definitely visit the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. Because every year thousands of local and foreign tourists flock here. Sultan Ahmed Mosque is just one of the historical beauties located in Sultan Ahmed Square of Istanbul! In my previous writings, I have talked about "how to make documents about Turkey". This is undoubtedly a unique place for a documentary!
Topkapi palace
Topkapi Palace is a palace built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet after the conquest of Istanbul. The Topkapi Palace was home to all the sultans from Fatih Sultan Mehmet to 3rd Selim. Today Topkapı Palace is used as a museum. In Topkapi Palace, sacred relics, swords and armors used by the Ottoman sultans are located. Topkapi Palace Harem, Divan Room, Has Room (ie the room where the sultans stayed). Topkapi Palace attracts thousands of tourists every year to my country. If you are going to Istanbul, you will definitely see Topkapi Palace! Also student discount is applied at Topkapı Palace.
Yerebatan Cistern
One of Istanbul's magnificent historical constructions is the Basilica Cistern located on the south-west of Hagia Sophia. Built by the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. Justinian (527-565), this large underground cistern was named as the "Yerebatan Palace" among the public due to the marble columns rising from the water and seen as countless. When there is a Basilica in the place where the cistern is located, it is also known as Basilica Cistern.
The cistern is a gigantic structure that covers a rectangular area of 140 meters in length and 70 meters in width. There are 336 columns, each 9 meters high, in this cistern, which is laid with a 52-step stone ladder. These columns, erected at intervals of 4.80 meters, bring 12 rows of columns, each containing 28 columns. The ceiling space of the cistern was transferred to the pillars via arches. It is understood that the majority of the columns are collected from the older structures and the majority of the marble columns are made up of one piece and the other two pieces. The titles of these columns, in places, have different properties. While 98 of them reflect Corint style, part of them reflect Dor style. The walls of the cistern, brick 4.80 meters thick, and the brick paved floor were plastered with a thick layer of Khorasan, making it waterproof. Covering a total area of 9.800 m2, this cistern has a water storage capacity of approximately 100.000 tons.
Source: Yerebatan Cistern -
This is one of the places that should definitely be seen by visitors coming to Istanbul.
Galata Tower
The story of the Tower of Galata, although not exactly known, admires the people with its magnificent architecture. The Galata Tower was used as a dungeon in the time of the Ottomans. This is the perfect place to watch Istanbul as a bird's eye view. Altitude is 69.90 meters. The Galata Tower, which was built in the year 520 after Milat, offers a panoramic view of Istanbul. The history of Galata Tower is as follows:
The Galata Tower is one of the oldest towers in the world and was built by the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius in 528 as the Fener Tower. [2] In the year 1204 IV. The tower, which was extensively destroyed by the Crusades, was later reconstructed by the Genoese in 1348 in addition to the walls of Galata, using stacked stones called "Jesus Tower". When it was rebuilt in 1348 it became the biggest building of the city. [3]
Galata tower was raised between 1445-1446. Almost every century has been renovated and repaired after the towers of the Turks have been captured. It was used as a shelter for the Christian war prisoners who worked in Kasımpaşa shipyards in the 16th century. Sultan III. At the permission of Murat an astronomical observatory was established here by the astrologer Takiyüddin, but this observatory was closed in 1579.
In the first half of the 17th century IV. During the Murat period, Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi flew to Üsküdar-Doğancılar from Galata Tower in 1638 by wearing eagle wings he built from the throne after carrying out flying exercises after watching the winds in Okmeydanı. This flight was met with interest in Europe and engravings were made in England showing this flight. [Citation needed] From 1717 the tower was used as a fire pagination tower. The fire was being played by playing a large drum to hear ahalin. III. A large part of the yoke was burned in a fire during the Selim period. The restored tower was damaged and repaired in another fire in 1831. In 1875, the cone was overturned in a storm. The latest repair, which was started in 1965 and finished in 1967, provided the appearance of today's owner.
Source: Wikipedia -
Today Galata Tower is also used as a restaurant. However, you need to pay at least 150 TL to eat here.
This is just a few of the historical and natural beauty that Istanbul has. Istanbul is a city famous for its legend and history. Istanbul has been home to many civilizations since the beginning of human history. At present there are still remnants of ancient civilizations. Even though it is difficult to live in Istanbul, these beauties make you forget these difficulties in a little while.
The purpose of sharing this article was to remind us that Istanbul is a very beautiful city and we should not know its value. With the natural and historical beauties of Istanbul and its strategic and political position, it is important to keep in mind how important it is.
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