
virus etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor

About Coronavirus

ABOUT CORONAVIRUS The people lived a lot of epidemic events. These events killed a lot of people. The epidemics is still going on spread. This list showes, the epidemic's spreading rate on the world. Unfortunately, the virus spreaded all the world. The virus is really very dangerous. The virus is more dangerous for old people. Because their defance system isn't strong like us.    This map showes the epidemic's spreading rate on the web. The virus is going on kill people. This people are usually older people. The virus, first spreaded in China's Wuhan city. Later, the Chinese people went to other countries. The epidemic got spreading such. Unfortunately, 25.087 people dead because of virus.  Why is the virus so dangerous? Because, the virus can spread too fast. If you get closed to another people, you can be infect too. The virus is Settling in the lungs. If you smoke or you have chronic disease, the virus can be very dangerous for you. ...